all postcodes in PO30 / EAST COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO30 3DH 10 0 50.654234 -1.250848
PO30 3DJ 4 1 50.660853 -1.245324
PO30 3DL 3 2 50.666087 -1.247013
PO30 3DP 1 0 50.660123 -1.253385
PO30 3DQ 10 0 50.657439 -1.255564
PO30 3DR 4 3 50.666724 -1.246904
PO30 3DS 2 0 50.675501 -1.289858
PO30 3DT 4 0 50.681123 -1.294156
PO30 3DU 4 0 50.682218 -1.317863
PO30 3DX 4 0 50.682183 -1.310432
PO30 3DY 4 0 50.67878 -1.308345
PO30 3DZ 1 0 50.672838 -1.307116
PO30 3EA 9 2 50.673614 -1.298972
PO30 3EE 2 0 50.671859 -1.303116
PO30 3EF 5 0 50.667035 -1.306805
PO30 3EG 7 0 50.665947 -1.311307
PO30 3EH 3 0 50.66405 -1.308335
PO30 3EJ 5 0 50.661197 -1.30044
PO30 3EL 6 3 50.651052 -1.301693
PO30 3EN 3 0 50.658072 -1.302665