all postcodes in PO30 / EAST COWES

find any address or company within the PO30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO30 3NA 1 1 50.673422 -1.297965
PO30 3NX 2 2 50.672913 -1.273717
PO30 3LQ 3 0 50.646428 -1.352863
PO30 3WY 1 1 50.706999 -1.294717
PO30 3DN 6 0 50.656198 -1.306696
PO30 3LU 0 50.63332 -1.362084
PO30 3DW 0 50.672326 -1.301194
PO30 3BY 0 50.672355 -1.300047
PO30 3BF 0 50.671738 -1.300953
PO30 3FA 0 50.671475 -1.300343
PO30 3FB 0 50.672057 -1.300283
PO30 3FD 1 50.674679 -1.253202
PO30 3FE 0 50.67157 -1.299578
PO30 3FH 12 0 50.671255 -1.298455