all postcodes in PO30 / EAST COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO30 3JT 21 0 50.641176 -1.356117
PO30 3JU 10 0 50.641938 -1.355725
PO30 3JW 6 0 50.643984 -1.354891
PO30 3JX 2 0 50.641911 -1.357597
PO30 3JY 22 0 50.642498 -1.356198
PO30 3JZ 21 1 50.644203 -1.357193
PO30 3LA 2 0 50.64207 -1.363634
PO30 3LB 11 0 50.644095 -1.353815
PO30 3LD 7 0 50.644704 -1.356621
PO30 3LE 8 0 50.643678 -1.354839
PO30 3LF 10 0 50.643835 -1.355586
PO30 3LH 20 2 50.63517 -1.367837
PO30 3LJ 2 0 50.626245 -1.354403
PO30 3LL 1 0 50.635399 -1.357172
PO30 3LN 19 0 50.63977 -1.352262
PO30 3LP 12 1 50.634797 -1.334768
PO30 3LR 14 0 50.641482 -1.354586
PO30 3LS 7 0 50.646707 -1.352888
PO30 3LW 4 0 50.637226 -1.346089
PO30 3LX 1 0 50.633125 -1.3672