all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9PN 26 0 50.909254 -1.015121
PO8 9PP 13 0 50.9147 -1.010483
PO8 9PQ 26 1 50.913402 -1.010083
PO8 9PR 19 0 50.915748 -1.010048
PO8 9PS 17 0 50.913997 -1.01027
PO8 9PT 12 0 50.915006 -1.00527
PO8 9PU 13 0 50.91802 -1.00438
PO8 9PW 15 0 50.908707 -1.015374
PO8 9PX 4 0 50.909304 -1.016855
PO8 9PY 20 0 50.90449 -1.023982
PO8 9PZ 11 0 50.905396 -1.02476
PO8 9QA 1 0 50.903022 -1.032418
PO8 9QB 3 0 50.90483 -1.025909
PO8 9QD 1 1 50.904201 -1.025951
PO8 9QE 41 0 50.916952 -1.01099
PO8 9QF 6 0 50.916744 -1.011862
PO8 9QG 14 0 50.904158 -1.023022
PO8 9QH 33 1 50.905059 -1.01996
PO8 9QJ 26 0 50.906056 -1.019853
PO8 9QL 28 2 50.907539 -1.01978