all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9BH 7 0 50.90029 -1.004744
PO8 9BJ 22 0 50.900933 -1.005242
PO8 9BL 14 0 50.901273 -1.005093
PO8 9BN 27 0 50.902592 -1.004738
PO8 9BP 33 0 50.899443 -1.008758
PO8 9BQ 12 0 50.899724 -1.006903
PO8 9BS 9 0 50.898403 -1.009178
PO8 9BT 24 6 50.899774 -1.007514
PO8 9BU 3 0 50.913076 -1.014073
PO8 9BW 14 0 50.901599 -1.004261
PO8 9BX 2 0 50.912826 -1.014204
PO8 9BY 14 0 50.91332 -1.015348
PO8 9BZ 28 0 50.912631 -1.01569
PO8 9DA 35 0 50.900543 -1.00919
PO8 9DB 32 0 50.902607 -1.007567
PO8 9DD 20 0 50.90158 -1.0084
PO8 9DE 15 0 50.902854 -1.008046
PO8 9DF 16 0 50.903468 -1.008402
PO8 9DG 33 0 50.902278 -1.010106
PO8 9DH 11 0 50.905026 -1.007516