all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 9XU 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO8 9XW 51 0 50.900674 -1.037686
PO8 9YA 4 0 50.914806 -1.013411
PO8 9YB 20 0 50.913876 -1.015095
PO8 9YD 38 0 50.911624 -1.01362
PO8 9YE 37 0 50.915075 -1.014472
PO8 9YF 21 0 50.914844 -1.014719
PO8 9YN 28 1 50.911037 -1.015425
PO8 9YT 6 0 50.908768 -1.009812
PO8 9YU 20 0 50.911914 -1.016075
PO8 9YW 11 0 50.910965 -1.016479
PO8 9ZJ 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO8 9GZ 0 50.911468 -1.012144
PO8 9WX 0 50.911547 -1.013975
PO8 9AF 0 50.914313 -1.001998
PO8 9AQ 0 50.90809 -1.021018
PO8 9FW 0 50.916813 -1.003083
PO8 9GY 0 50.918268 -1.005015
PO8 9WE 0 50.91117 -1.012065
PO8 9WG 7 0 50.903674 -1.011484