all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 2RA 17 0 50.857993 -0.967994
PO9 2RB 15 0 50.857679 -0.966097
PO9 2RD 30 0 50.851687 -0.975932
PO9 2RG 14 2 50.851952 -0.976466
PO9 2RH 9 0 50.852701 -0.975753
PO9 2RJ 11 0 50.851894 -0.974904
PO9 2RL 50 0 50.851972 -0.973638
PO9 2RN 9 0 50.851212 -0.975161
PO9 2RP 12 0 50.851115 -0.972222
PO9 2RR 10 1 50.851553 -0.968958
PO9 2RS 19 1 50.851771 -0.968174
PO9 2RT 42 0 50.851096 -0.97012
PO9 2RU 12 0 50.852604 -0.966749
PO9 2RW 12 0 50.85121 -0.973811
PO9 2RX 17 0 50.852947 -0.965875
PO9 2RY 30 0 50.851053 -0.965235
PO9 2RZ 5 0 50.850041 -0.96574
PO9 2SA 2 0 50.84985 -0.964507
PO9 2SB 1 1 50.85004 -0.968638
PO9 2SD 19 0 50.851044 -0.966229