all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 2LH 54 0 50.863373 -0.972308
PO9 2LJ 38 0 50.863788 -0.972498
PO9 2LL 24 0 50.864169 -0.971893
PO9 2LN 14 0 50.864018 -0.970063
PO9 2LP 46 0 50.864777 -0.971467
PO9 2LQ 28 0 50.860494 -0.973281
PO9 2LR 23 0 50.864478 -0.971247
PO9 2LS 30 1 50.854874 -0.978362
PO9 2LT 1 1 50.86598 -0.96921
PO9 2LY 1 1 50.866668 -0.968696
PO9 2LZ 1 1 50.865433 -0.969336
PO9 2NA 10 8 50.86285 -0.967119
PO9 2NB 1 1 50.86589 -0.967137
PO9 2ND 1 1 50.862545 -0.96927
PO9 2NE 5 5 50.862625 -0.969112
PO9 2NF 2 1 50.864774 -0.968127
PO9 2NG 1 1 50.859848 -0.970325
PO9 2NH 1 1 50.856747 -0.972596
PO9 2NJ 25 17 50.864524 -0.966272
PO9 2NP 23 14 50.86201 -0.967706