all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 2NL 12 11 50.861116 -0.970326
PO9 2NN 1 1 50.862549 -0.967609
PO9 2NQ 1 1 50.858609 -0.972626
PO9 2NT 5 4 50.855893 -0.972684
PO9 2NU 4 0 50.861847 -0.958417
PO9 2NX 6 3 50.859405 -0.952872
PO9 2NY 8 0 50.862882 -0.955495
PO9 2PA 3 0 50.861254 -0.95951
PO9 2PB 3 0 50.867694 -0.952643
PO9 2PE 1 1 50.86639 -0.953669
PO9 2PH 61 0 50.853996 -0.964459
PO9 2PJ 23 0 50.854971 -0.964935
PO9 2PL 39 0 50.856018 -0.964315
PO9 2PN 50 0 50.857369 -0.963589
PO9 2PP 15 0 50.857973 -0.963746
PO9 2PR 8 0 50.858145 -0.964893
PO9 2PS 8 0 50.859023 -0.963481
PO9 2PT 7 0 50.859906 -0.9616
PO9 2PU 10 0 50.85943 -0.962705
PO9 2PW 6 0 50.858506 -0.961986