all postcodes in PO / Portsmouth

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District

PO / Portsmouth

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO1 1HL 40 0 50.800387 -1.08351
PO1 1HR 8 0 50.800887 -1.086451
PO1 1HS 18 0 50.800819 -1.085786
PO1 1HT 16 2 50.800889 -1.084436
PO1 1HX 11 0 50.800438 -1.084204
PO1 1HF 17 0 50.800866 -1.083798
PO1 1JA 1 0 50.800183 -1.080392
PO1 1JD 25 1 50.801774 -1.08378
PO1 1JE 1 1 50.800546 -1.081945
PO1 1JF 12 0 50.80167 -1.082009
PO1 1JG 14 0 50.801603 -1.082592
PO1 1JH 12 0 50.800791 -1.084722
PO1 1JJ 15 0 50.800324 -1.084646
PO1 1JL 34 0 50.799989 -1.085433
PO1 1JN 22 0 50.800217 -1.085939
PO1 1JP 1 1 50.799642 -1.080204
PO1 1JQ 14 0 50.801527 -1.083161
PO1 1JS 22 0 50.80122 -1.083025
PO1 1JT 20 1 50.799337 -1.09071
PO1 1JU 14 0 50.798973 -1.086673