all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 2EP 3 1 53.760275 -2.701296
PR1 2ER 1 1 53.76053 -2.702668
PR1 2ES 4 4 53.760722 -2.700684
PR1 2EU 65 1 53.76113 -2.70269
PR1 2EX 4 0 53.761122 -2.702462
PR1 2HA 1 0 53.761855 -2.703661
PR1 2HB 12 2 53.761196 -2.70412
PR1 2HD 10 1 53.760779 -2.703097
PR1 2HE 1 1 53.761338 -2.707384
PR1 2HF 87 0 53.761954 -2.70325
PR1 2HH 47 0 53.762104 -2.704075
PR1 2HP 1 1 53.761145 -2.702102
PR1 2JA 23 11 53.760986 -2.700036
PR1 2JB 1 1 53.754266 -2.708369
PR1 2JD 34 24 53.760986 -2.700036
PR1 2JU 1 1 53.758871 -2.70349
PR1 2NL 38 11 53.758316 -2.703192
PR1 2NN 18 9 53.758883 -2.70302
PR1 2LL 1 1 53.762385 -2.698983
PR1 2NJ 25 22 53.757705 -2.704669