all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 2UH 8 6 53.757494 -2.706618
PR1 2NP 1 1 53.759228 -2.70251
PR1 2NQ 25 19 53.758925 -2.701713
PR1 2NR 33 26 53.758845 -2.701545
PR1 2NW 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR1 2PD 1 1 53.759557 -2.698526
PR1 2PP 1 1 53.759127 -2.698307
PR1 2PT 1 1 53.760042 -2.699744
PR1 2QD 5 5 53.761274 -2.701452
PR1 2QE 3 3 53.760083 -2.699157
PR1 2QH 1 1 53.760965 -2.699005
PR1 2QJ 5 4 53.76134 -2.699068
PR1 2PZ 3 3 53.763538 -2.700094
PR1 2PY 66 8 53.763464 -2.700502
PR1 2QL 1 1 53.761583 -2.699379
PR1 2QP 11 10 53.762092 -2.698034
PR1 2QT 29 2 53.76348 -2.702369
PR1 2QU 2 2 53.762071 -2.700127
PR1 2QY 12 9 53.758711 -2.698281
PR1 2RE 1 1 53.758492 -2.711371