all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 2RH 1 1 53.760965 -2.699005
PR1 2RL 1 1 53.759888 -2.698699
PR1 2RQ 1 1 53.762237 -2.703968
PR1 2RR 23 2 53.762769 -2.701067
PR1 2RU 10 0 53.764126 -2.702652
PR1 2RX 28 1 53.763448 -2.701701
PR1 2RZ 19 0 53.763762 -2.701782
PR1 2SD 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR1 2SP 3 3 53.765209 -2.703323
PR1 2SQ 31 1 53.765788 -2.70268
PR1 2TQ 1 1 53.761338 -2.707384
PR1 2TU 1 1 53.758726 -2.701831
PR1 2TY 6 6 53.765189 -2.714397
PR1 2UP 13 12 53.757866 -2.705972
PR1 2UQ 87 10 53.760709 -2.705872
PR1 2US 22 5 53.757974 -2.704488
PR1 2UT 7 4 53.758929 -2.704125
PR1 2UW 1 1 53.760133 -2.70609
PR1 2UX 31 0 53.760255 -2.706346
PR1 2UZ 1 1 53.759151 -2.706361