all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 0HT 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0SA 1 1 53.759887 -2.698956
PR2 0LQ 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0NT 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0NY 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0PD 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0QG 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0QJ 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0QN 0 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0QX 1 1 53.754266 -2.708369
PR2 0QY 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0RD 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0RJ 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0RL 1 53.754266 -2.708369
PR2 0RQ 0 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0RS 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0RX 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0SP 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0SQ 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 0SR 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372