all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 2BA 27 0 53.822833 -2.673389
PR3 2BB 36 0 53.824248 -2.674278
PR3 2BD 36 0 53.823986 -2.674577
PR3 2BE 42 0 53.823026 -2.671007
PR3 2BH 30 1 53.824691 -2.671761
PR3 2BJ 8 2 53.82614 -2.669809
PR3 2BN 39 1 53.825896 -2.675322
PR3 2BP 27 0 53.826216 -2.679277
PR3 2BQ 9 0 53.824767 -2.674712
PR3 2BS 15 0 53.824733 -2.675987
PR3 2BT 11 0 53.822815 -2.671794
PR3 2BU 33 0 53.822774 -2.674421
PR3 2BX 21 0 53.823333 -2.675081
PR3 2BY 8 0 53.822693 -2.672764
PR3 2DB 28 2 53.837681 -2.616747
PR3 2DE 8 0 53.825284 -2.677105
PR3 2DQ 5 0 53.82559 -2.68024
PR3 2EA 45 0 53.833112 -2.614795
PR3 2EB 33 4 53.841319 -2.626739
PR3 2ED 20 6 53.848028 -2.656282