all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 2JN 4 0 53.818631 -2.702516
PR3 2JP 12 5 53.82373 -2.701399
PR3 2JQ 1 1 53.822891 -2.700901
PR3 2JS 24 0 53.839663 -2.694768
PR3 2JT 6 0 53.848254 -2.682446
PR3 2JU 17 0 53.827312 -2.69505
PR3 2JX 34 2 53.833 -2.66989
PR3 2LA 2 0 53.841006 -2.666536
PR3 2LB 2 0 53.846178 -2.681803
PR3 2LD 11 0 53.851634 -2.681724
PR3 2LE 19 0 53.85513 -2.689641
PR3 2LF 1 0 53.853992 -2.691251
PR3 2LH 9 2 53.863382 -2.68397
PR3 2LJ 9 0 53.862003 -2.69173
PR3 2LL 11 0 53.8625 -2.699724
PR3 2LN 8 1 53.8481 -2.695318
PR3 2LP 9 2 53.852023 -2.68988
PR3 2LQ 3 0 53.85656 -2.70712
PR3 2LY 4 0 53.847985 -2.599951
PR3 2NA 24 3 53.835463 -2.608554