all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 2EE 20 2 53.833304 -2.632182
PR3 2EF 6 0 53.85723 -2.652337
PR3 2EH 11 0 53.828199 -2.650625
PR3 2EJ 5 0 53.838657 -2.657945
PR3 2EL 2 0 53.851019 -2.669614
PR3 2EN 13 1 53.857521 -2.66493
PR3 2EP 24 5 53.864993 -2.671601
PR3 2EQ 10 0 53.871968 -2.688247
PR3 2ER 14 3 53.882648 -2.673468
PR3 2EU 5 1 53.889625 -2.671465
PR3 2ES 11 0 53.873275 -2.663614
PR3 2ET 5 0 53.886465 -2.666029
PR3 2EW 2 0 53.883752 -2.66498
PR3 2EX 5 0 53.867192 -2.674604
PR3 2FE 19 1 53.832965 -2.653556
PR3 2FH 5 0 53.826479 -2.646345
PR3 2FJ 12 2 53.84209 -2.650702
PR3 2FD 8 1 53.842677 -2.655911
PR3 2FL 4 0 53.84783 -2.66929
PR3 2FP 1 0 53.867262 -2.679714