all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 2BH 1 53.781399 -2.888455
PR4 2BJ 0 53.779886 -2.882808
PR4 2BL 0 53.780323 -2.882074
PR4 2BN 0 53.780315 -2.880693
PR4 2BP 0 53.779611 -2.881934
PR4 2BQ 1 53.780149 -2.883679
PR4 2BS 0 53.781563 -2.884054
PR4 2BT 1 53.781724 -2.883424
PR4 2BU 0 53.782026 -2.882717
PR4 2BW 0 53.784693 -2.875639
PR4 2BX 0 53.782622 -2.881937
PR4 2BY 0 53.782246 -2.881716
PR4 2BZ 0 53.783438 -2.875143
PR4 2DA 0 53.78078 -2.879731
PR4 2DB 0 53.780961 -2.878415
PR4 2DD 0 53.780702 -2.878106
PR4 2DE 0 53.78053 -2.878269
PR4 2DL 1 53.781939 -2.878541
PR4 2DN 1 53.777507 -2.872576
PR4 2DP 1 53.782227 -2.873171