all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 2DQ 1 53.786718 -2.891209
PR4 2DR 0 53.784461 -2.888808
PR4 2DS 0 53.783332 -2.891987
PR4 2DT 0 53.785152 -2.89025
PR4 2DU 0 53.784881 -2.892794
PR4 2DX 0 53.784035 -2.890575
PR4 2DY 0 53.785405 -2.888859
PR4 2DZ 5 53.786302 -2.891519
PR4 2EA 0 53.781656 -2.89139
PR4 2EB 0 53.783955 -2.892911
PR4 2ED 0 53.782789 -2.892461
PR4 2EE 0 53.78328 -2.892927
PR4 2EF 14 53.786618 -2.893237
PR4 2HA 3 53.78329 -2.879112
PR4 2HB 1 53.784055 -2.881359
PR4 2HD 5 53.785641 -2.883214
PR4 2HE 0 53.783782 -2.87732
PR4 2HF 0 53.784873 -2.885372
PR4 2HG 0 53.782415 -2.879902
PR4 2HH 0 53.785103 -2.878592