all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 2HJ 0 53.785358 -2.878173
PR4 2HL 0 53.78638 -2.879772
PR4 2HN 0 53.78544 -2.879191
PR4 2HP 1 53.782911 -2.880914
PR4 2HQ 0 53.784943 -2.879606
PR4 2HR 0 53.785866 -2.881204
PR4 2HS 0 53.784722 -2.88033
PR4 2HT 0 53.785243 -2.881494
PR4 2HU 9 53.786318 -2.885675
PR4 2HW 0 53.782994 -2.880184
PR4 2HY 3 53.785197 -2.885303
PR4 2JA 0 53.78529 -2.883696
PR4 2JB 0 53.785035 -2.884222
PR4 2JD 0 53.785076 -2.884769
PR4 2JE 5 53.7847 -2.884029
PR4 2JF 0 53.784145 -2.886631
PR4 2JG 0 53.783638 -2.885862
PR4 2JJ 0 53.783059 -2.885983
PR4 2JN 0 53.784392 -2.883586
PR4 2JP 2 53.784407 -2.882812