all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 3BF 0 53.788246 -2.877793
PR4 3BG 0 53.787759 -2.877965
PR4 3BH 1 53.787851 -2.88507
PR4 3BJ 0 53.787301 -2.87797
PR4 3BL 5 53.788682 -2.88568
PR4 3BN 0 53.789028 -2.886325
PR4 3BP 1 53.789032 -2.887008
PR4 3BQ 1 53.78985 -2.886919
PR4 3BS 0 53.79065 -2.888211
PR4 3BT 0 53.792182 -2.888911
PR4 3BU 0 53.791663 -2.888566
PR4 3BW 0 53.787342 -2.878502
PR4 3BX 0 53.792905 -2.888334
PR4 3BY 2 53.792874 -2.887696
PR4 3DA 0 53.790987 -2.88755
PR4 3DB 0 53.791141 -2.886263
PR4 3DD 0 53.791057 -2.88658
PR4 3DE 2 53.789875 -2.886084
PR4 3DF 0 53.791206 -2.891987
PR4 3DG 0 53.790834 -2.89251