all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 3TH 0 53.777879 -2.828956
PR4 3TJ 0 53.771698 -2.832521
PR4 3TL 0 53.771807 -2.8336
PR4 3TN 0 53.771967 -2.832511
PR4 3TQ 0 53.771513 -2.834489
PR4 3TR 0 53.771661 -2.835206
PR4 3TS 0 53.771028 -2.836999
PR4 3TU 0 53.771835 -2.837379
PR4 3TX 0 53.772601 -2.836984
PR4 3TZ 0 53.772264 -2.835051
PR4 3UA 1 53.837468 -2.887195
PR4 3UD 2 53.836771 -2.879324
PR4 3UE 0 53.82483 -2.858439
PR4 3UG 0 53.827597 -2.850281
PR4 3UH 0 53.815092 -2.840367
PR4 3UJ 0 53.837889 -2.886262
PR4 3UN 0 53.837221 -2.881689
PR4 3UP 0 53.838052 -2.88239
PR4 3UQ 0 53.836355 -2.882096
PR4 3UR 0 53.837172 -2.878603