all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 3HA 1 53.792197 -2.87956
PR4 3HB 0 53.792688 -2.884884
PR4 3HD 6 53.798357 -2.887614
PR4 3HE 5 53.809152 -2.892429
PR4 3HJ 1 53.819472 -2.898329
PR4 3HF 0 53.791937 -2.879357
PR4 3HG 0 53.791135 -2.87846
PR4 3HL 1 53.815843 -2.907593
PR4 3HN 0 53.81312 -2.912982
PR4 3HP 0 53.821644 -2.908235
PR4 3HQ 2 53.802413 -2.896549
PR4 3HR 3 53.813757 -2.891642
PR4 3HS 0 53.805157 -2.921545
PR4 3ET 0 53.818817 -2.93348
PR4 3HT 2 53.817116 -2.947062
PR4 3HU 0 53.789168 -2.857168
PR4 3HW 0 53.790812 -2.878408
PR4 3HX 1 53.820301 -2.94203
PR4 3HZ 0 53.790248 -2.878108
PR4 3JA 1 53.802465 -2.889964