all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 0WG 15 0 53.810646 -2.759105
PR4 0WH 12 0 53.780852 -2.76447
PR4 0WJ 12 0 53.781045 -2.765111
PR4 0WL 13 0 53.781739 -2.766323
PR4 0WN 5 0 53.780462 -2.763629
PR4 0WP 2 0 53.78118 -2.766218
PR4 0XA 9 1 53.770676 -2.768913
PR4 0XB 7 4 53.761314 -2.791477
PR4 0XD 2 0 53.760408 -2.793887
PR4 0XE 10 4 53.757974 -2.817931
PR4 0XG 10 5 53.756347 -2.81509
PR4 0XJ 1 1 53.777696 -2.815128
PR4 0XL 12 4 53.771745 -2.829241
PR4 0XQ 15 8 53.75802 -2.825346
PR4 0YA 12 0 53.765701 -2.809145
PR4 0YB 20 2 53.766708 -2.815367
PR4 0YD 17 0 53.768213 -2.811105
PR4 0YE 4 1 53.77402 -2.813706
PR4 0YF 30 0 53.766258 -2.814405
PR4 0YH 16 3 53.778185 -2.817171