all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 0RZ 1 1 53.774759 -2.796027
PR4 0SA 4 1 53.790956 -2.809449
PR4 0SB 18 0 53.792347 -2.803116
PR4 0SD 3 0 53.798456 -2.799407
PR4 0SJ 9 0 53.773034 -2.793248
PR4 0TA 13 1 53.813919 -2.760212
PR4 0TB 21 1 53.815466 -2.76993
PR4 0TD 14 1 53.823343 -2.790128
PR4 0DX 1 0 53.820592 -2.776511
PR4 0TE 11 1 53.825246 -2.798671
PR4 0TF 13 11 53.825759 -2.823425
PR4 0TH 8 0 53.824841 -2.787922
PR4 0TJ 18 1 53.828599 -2.806666
PR4 0TL 2 2 53.824816 -2.824637
PR4 0TN 1 1 53.827542 -2.836302
PR4 0TP 8 0 53.832652 -2.816119
PR4 0TQ 34 0 53.832511 -2.814308
PR4 0TR 19 0 53.834881 -2.816132
PR4 0TS 25 0 53.835386 -2.815792
PR4 0TT 48 3 53.835042 -2.826681