all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 0NZ 1 1 53.784905 -2.753176
PR4 0PA 20 0 53.766579 -2.810846
PR4 0PB 7 0 53.785931 -2.755805
PR4 0RA 24 2 53.779669 -2.770914
PR4 0RD 14 1 53.780207 -2.775234
PR4 0RE 3 1 53.775246 -2.775188
PR4 0RG 4 0 53.769454 -2.786718
PR4 0RH 10 0 53.770863 -2.787169
PR4 0RJ 46 1 53.772598 -2.792175
PR4 0RL 6 0 53.785333 -2.78322
PR4 0RN 30 6 53.7757 -2.791007
PR4 0RP 2 1 53.773804 -2.796006
PR4 0RQ 5 1 53.772538 -2.798929
PR4 0RR 3 0 53.793583 -2.772277
PR4 0RS 1 1 53.787113 -2.780339
PR4 0RT 4 1 53.788562 -2.781414
PR4 0RU 25 1 53.794944 -2.771312
PR4 0RW 4 0 53.778125 -2.769156
PR4 0RX 6 0 53.800114 -2.764426
PR4 0RY 10 3 53.79329 -2.788211