all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 0AA 26 0 53.733981 -2.622625
PR5 0AB 38 0 53.731672 -2.624259
PR5 0AD 54 5 53.732479 -2.621133
PR5 0AE 22 0 53.731403 -2.624103
PR5 0AN 12 0 53.732096 -2.620415
PR5 0AP 16 0 53.731968 -2.620883
PR5 0AR 10 0 53.731628 -2.622227
PR5 0AS 22 0 53.730885 -2.623459
PR5 0AT 16 0 53.730394 -2.624482
PR5 0AU 20 0 53.731775 -2.619925
PR5 0AX 29 0 53.730406 -2.6223
PR5 0AY 7 0 53.730002 -2.623809
PR5 0BA 9 0 53.732552 -2.619224
PR5 0BB 26 0 53.733085 -2.623855
PR5 0BD 26 0 53.733722 -2.624107
PR5 0BE 16 0 53.731215 -2.62213
PR5 0BH 12 0 53.730683 -2.622486
PR5 0BX 3 0 53.73397 -2.621261
PR5 0DA 16 1 53.737961 -2.600186
PR5 0DB 6 0 53.738914 -2.599987