all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 0UH 11 0 53.765687 -2.630422
PR5 0UP 45 4 53.768569 -2.580655
PR5 0UJ 4 4 53.764246 -2.637239
PR5 0UL 5 3 53.767301 -2.608433
PR5 0UN 17 1 53.772135 -2.592038
PR5 0UQ 42 1 53.761549 -2.575752
PR5 0UR 20 0 53.758584 -2.573542
PR5 0US 10 0 53.758949 -2.572455
PR5 0UT 10 0 53.757883 -2.573533
PR5 0UU 6 0 53.757716 -2.574759
PR5 0UW 1 0 53.757777 -2.573198
PR5 0UX 15 2 53.763977 -2.597447
PR5 0UY 5 3 53.75844 -2.614779
PR5 0XA 12 1 53.757156 -2.621952
PR5 0XB 2 0 53.759319 -2.644263
PR5 0XD 1 1 53.761551 -2.616875
PR5 0XE 1 1 53.733169 -2.658509
PR5 0UZ 4 0 53.76157 -2.588009
PR5 0LG 0 53.73705 -2.633919
PR5 0AG 1 53.771212 -2.627516