all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 0DD 23 1 53.736779 -2.593832
PR5 0DE 16 0 53.732048 -2.603376
PR5 0DH 11 0 53.735847 -2.595017
PR5 0DL 1 0 53.730026 -2.607
PR5 0DP 57 4 53.734549 -2.620693
PR5 0DQ 32 1 53.729434 -2.616704
PR5 0DR 64 7 53.730734 -2.617512
PR5 0DS 17 0 53.736283 -2.592264
PR5 0DT 62 0 53.734777 -2.616482
PR5 0DU 26 0 53.734414 -2.615461
PR5 0DX 11 0 53.733385 -2.616265
PR5 0DY 28 0 53.733718 -2.616255
PR5 0EA 26 0 53.734649 -2.615131
PR5 0EB 32 0 53.733199 -2.62087
PR5 0ED 29 2 53.732462 -2.615736
PR5 0EE 16 0 53.734977 -2.614333
PR5 0EF 12 0 53.731673 -2.61533
PR5 0EH 50 0 53.7305 -2.619633
PR5 0EJ 15 0 53.741278 -2.615941
PR5 0EL 7 0 53.741794 -2.615236