all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 6BJ 7 7 53.723058 -2.669335
PR5 6BP 5 5 53.725188 -2.671418
PR5 6BQ 1 1 53.724268 -2.668827
PR5 6BS 1 1 53.72372 -2.671604
PR5 6BU 6 0 53.715664 -2.641189
PR5 6BX 19 0 53.70964 -2.664611
PR5 6BY 10 3 53.708644 -2.662792
PR5 6BZ 12 5 53.720105 -2.67344
PR5 6DD 17 0 53.722509 -2.663434
PR5 6DL 25 0 53.723194 -2.663006
PR5 6DX 21 0 53.723482 -2.634822
PR5 6EA 8 3 53.726584 -2.660752
PR5 6EB 25 2 53.725381 -2.660903
PR5 6ED 23 3 53.725078 -2.660444
PR5 6EE 19 5 53.72369 -2.661089
PR5 6EH 32 10 53.723894 -2.661562
PR5 6EJ 21 4 53.722697 -2.661861
PR5 6EL 31 2 53.722378 -2.66269
PR5 6EQ 3 0 53.722319 -2.661992
PR5 6ER 38 0 53.72239 -2.663857