all postcodes in RG29 / HOOK

find any address or company within the RG29 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG29 1RS 9 1 51.220397 -0.968848
RG29 1RT 11 4 51.218149 -0.971862
RG29 1RU 5 0 51.20529 -0.97398
RG29 1RW 16 0 51.221192 -0.968272
RG29 1RX 11 2 51.202684 -0.981324
RG29 1RY 5 0 51.202985 -0.986971
RG29 1RZ 2 1 51.200013 -0.980422
RG29 1SA 7 0 51.195923 -0.970366
RG29 1SB 4 0 51.191945 -0.971027
RG29 1SD 6 0 51.198632 -0.969405
RG29 1SE 1 0 51.220713 -0.966922
RG29 1SF 12 0 51.220762 -0.966377
RG29 1SG 3 0 51.219957 -0.965992
RG29 1SH 10 3 51.209989 -0.956196
RG29 1SJ 10 0 51.208198 -0.94006
RG29 1SL 1 1 51.21031 -0.932925
RG29 1SN 12 0 51.210604 -0.932816
RG29 1SP 16 0 51.214147 -0.937647
RG29 1SQ 1 0 51.218152 -0.963027
RG29 1SR 10 0 51.220049 -0.939945