all postcodes in RG29 / HOOK

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Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG29 1TS 10 0 51.222353 -0.943186
RG29 1TY 1 1 51.279729 -0.957842
RG29 1TZ 2 0 51.252805 -0.948705
RG29 1UD 5 0 51.217085 -0.946256
RG29 1UF 1 1 51.279729 -0.957842
RG29 1XA 1 1 51.279729 -0.957842
RG29 1ZS 1 1 51.279729 -0.957842
RG29 1QU 1 51.240218 -0.947877
RG29 1QZ 1 51.240218 -0.947877
RG29 1TT 0 51.253881 -0.946301
RG29 1TU 1 1 51.253986 -0.945984
RG29 1FB 12 0 51.25704 -0.953555
RG29 1TW 0 51.223717 -0.967041
RG29 1FD 4 51.217916 -0.972166
RG29 1FE 5 0 51.253028 -0.942426
RG29 1FG 0 51.253948 -0.936857
RG29 1FH 0 51.258588 -0.953818
RG29 1FJ 0 51.254851 -0.940134
RG29 1FA 0 51.255143 -0.939697
RG29 1FF 5 0 51.215837 -0.939569