all postcodes in RG29 / HOOK

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Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG29 1SS 13 1 51.220535 -0.942984
RG29 1ST 10 2 51.220821 -0.944753
RG29 1SU 11 0 51.223055 -0.943184
RG29 1SW 1 1 51.215855 -0.939497
RG29 1SX 16 0 51.219012 -0.945568
RG29 1SY 20 0 51.217261 -0.944849
RG29 1SZ 13 0 51.219203 -0.942857
RG29 1TA 4 0 51.217911 -0.930301
RG29 1TB 1 1 51.214423 -0.929437
RG29 1TD 1 1 51.217122 -0.928529
RG29 1TE 1 1 51.217088 -0.928915
RG29 1TF 1 1 51.214201 -0.927781
RG29 1TG 32 1 51.215572 -0.929195
RG29 1TH 2 0 51.215164 -0.915344
RG29 1TJ 6 0 51.253652 -0.947828
RG29 1TL 15 1 51.215773 -0.909103
RG29 1TN 8 0 51.220263 -0.966932
RG29 1TP 1 0 51.209557 -0.903996
RG29 1TQ 11 1 51.217299 -0.925346
RG29 1TR 10 0 51.223288 -0.971346