all postcodes in RG5 / READING

find any address or company within the RG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG5 3DX 23 0 51.456325 -0.91249
RG5 3DY 61 0 51.4546 -0.912646
RG5 3DZ 42 0 51.454882 -0.912021
RG5 3EA 42 0 51.455519 -0.911861
RG5 3EB 5 0 51.456625 -0.914858
RG5 3ED 8 0 51.456512 -0.914313
RG5 3EE 20 0 51.455479 -0.914395
RG5 3EF 3 0 51.454661 -0.914429
RG5 3EG 12 1 51.455503 -0.915086
RG5 3EH 26 0 51.45444 -0.915831
RG5 3EJ 1 0 51.454467 -0.916722
RG5 3EL 1 1 51.454231 -0.917519
RG5 3EN 48 0 51.455439 -0.916843
RG5 3EP 24 0 51.455608 -0.915673
RG5 3ER 22 0 51.45656 -0.915593
RG5 3ES 8 0 51.457623 -0.913812
RG5 3ET 11 0 51.45427 -0.914971
RG5 3EU 5 4 51.45295 -0.917996
RG5 3EX 25 0 51.456889 -0.915182
RG5 3EY 30 0 51.457765 -0.914586