all postcodes in RG5 / READING

find any address or company within the RG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG5 3EZ 1 1 51.443958 -0.908366
RG5 3HA 35 0 51.452896 -0.908355
RG5 3HB 46 0 51.452672 -0.911353
RG5 3HD 5 0 51.45216 -0.913308
RG5 3HE 11 0 51.452106 -0.915209
RG5 3HF 11 0 51.451813 -0.911806
RG5 3HG 16 0 51.451769 -0.913793
RG5 3HH 18 0 51.45073 -0.915256
RG5 3HJ 25 0 51.451857 -0.908768
RG5 3HL 10 0 51.452161 -0.911466
RG5 3HN 25 0 51.451451 -0.908619
RG5 3HP 10 0 51.451057 -0.910715
RG5 3HQ 8 0 51.451736 -0.91494
RG5 3HR 13 0 51.450946 -0.911337
RG5 3HS 32 0 51.449605 -0.909253
RG5 3HT 26 0 51.450092 -0.909429
RG5 3HU 33 0 51.450349 -0.912905
RG5 3HW 66 0 51.444341 -0.910803
RG5 3HX 16 0 51.450783 -0.91219
RG5 3JA 35 0 51.450405 -0.908313