all postcodes in RG5 / READING

find any address or company within the RG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG5 3QJ 32 0 51.443754 -0.900903
RG5 3QL 12 0 51.445359 -0.900404
RG5 3QN 14 0 51.445608 -0.901118
RG5 3QQ 22 0 51.442334 -0.904717
RG5 3QR 60 0 51.445485 -0.910071
RG5 3QS 13 0 51.440852 -0.909879
RG5 3QT 38 0 51.441083 -0.912478
RG5 3QU 18 0 51.44163 -0.912249
RG5 3QW 24 1 51.445705 -0.902679
RG5 3QX 28 0 51.440546 -0.900232
RG5 3QY 35 0 51.441262 -0.899869
RG5 3RA 21 0 51.440899 -0.903346
RG5 3RB 13 5 51.440901 -0.90254
RG5 3RD 31 0 51.440549 -0.90534
RG5 3RE 2 0 51.440837 -0.908148
RG5 3RG 11 0 51.441322 -0.904357
RG5 3RH 31 0 51.440934 -0.906093
RG5 3RJ 11 0 51.441343 -0.907493
RG5 3RL 6 0 51.440405 -0.908221
RG5 3RN 4 0 51.440158 -0.906625