all postcodes in RM14 / UPMINSTER

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM14 1XA 26 0 51.563357 0.249779
RM14 1XH 14 0 51.561037 0.26796
RM14 1XJ 2 2 51.561613 0.267455
RM14 1XL 19 10 51.561766 0.26641
RM14 1XN 27 8 51.563156 0.266147
RM14 1XP 4 0 51.564436 0.266599
RM14 1XR 27 0 51.564263 0.268568
RM14 1XS 15 0 51.564101 0.268098
RM14 1XT 13 0 51.564235 0.265796
RM14 1XU 13 0 51.565234 0.26762
RM14 1XW 30 3 51.563351 0.266863
RM14 1XX 34 1 51.564727 0.265822
RM14 1YA 12 0 51.568208 0.274767
RM14 1YD 1 0 51.552319 0.246539
RM14 1RW 0 51.568343 0.268123
RM14 1YJ 1 51.552321 0.246566
RM14 1DU 0 51.561272 0.25239
RM14 1BF 7 0 51.56305 0.268969
RM14 2AA 15 6 51.552487 0.247629
RM14 2AB 13 8 51.552912 0.247044