all postcodes in RM14 / UPMINSTER

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM14 2AD 9 8 51.553419 0.247314
RM14 2AE 30 0 51.552979 0.244608
RM14 2AF 31 0 51.553306 0.244884
RM14 2AG 20 0 51.553186 0.247764
RM14 2AH 17 14 51.553247 0.247868
RM14 2AJ 35 18 51.554036 0.248455
RM14 2AP 17 12 51.555152 0.248985
RM14 2AQ 24 0 51.553246 0.248516
RM14 2AR 1 1 51.554883 0.248814
RM14 2AS 1 1 51.552319 0.246539
RM14 2AT 6 4 51.555981 0.249358
RM14 2AU 40 0 51.555465 0.249102
RM14 2AX 25 0 51.551147 0.247649
RM14 2AY 22 0 51.551052 0.246043
RM14 2AZ 26 0 51.551081 0.245439
RM14 2BA 22 0 51.551114 0.247013
RM14 2BB 2 2 51.555151 0.248119
RM14 2BD 11 0 51.546416 0.248237
RM14 2BE 26 4 51.555563 0.246684
RM14 2BJ 13 0 51.546179 0.247014