all postcodes in RM14 / UPMINSTER

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM14 2BL 10 0 51.545035 0.247578
RM14 2BN 3 1 51.546671 0.24753
RM14 2BS 4 0 51.544246 0.248866
RM14 2BT 13 0 51.545007 0.248571
RM14 2BU 14 0 51.545437 0.249097
RM14 2BX 6 0 51.545273 0.248267
RM14 2BY 20 0 51.54628 0.24973
RM14 2BZ 14 0 51.545838 0.249334
RM14 2DB 20 0 51.545922 0.251387
RM14 2DD 29 0 51.544867 0.250699
RM14 2DE 7 0 51.544182 0.249758
RM14 2DF 6 1 51.543533 0.250779
RM14 2DG 5 0 51.539877 0.256712
RM14 2DJ 3 1 51.54299 0.255251
RM14 2DL 9 0 51.542301 0.250776
RM14 2DN 23 6 51.543067 0.252168
RM14 2DQ 60 0 51.541421 0.255
RM14 2DR 6 0 51.542495 0.250482
RM14 2DS 2 0 51.542581 0.250817
RM14 2DT 19 0 51.54334 0.250119