all postcodes in RM3 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM3 0DA 1 1 51.59318 0.233048
RM3 0DE 14 0 51.602711 0.253023
RM3 0DF 12 0 51.603307 0.252431
RM3 0DH 25 0 51.590753 0.229681
RM3 0DJ 38 0 51.590171 0.229201
RM3 0DL 15 0 51.597325 0.232096
RM3 0DN 20 0 51.592041 0.233018
RM3 0DP 20 1 51.596318 0.232119
RM3 0DR 17 1 51.595328 0.232746
RM3 0DS 26 0 51.59534 0.23071
RM3 0DT 31 0 51.595668 0.230495
RM3 0DU 43 1 51.594359 0.230258
RM3 0DX 12 0 51.594194 0.227593
RM3 0DZ 1 1 51.591045 0.217091
RM3 0EA 43 0 51.594938 0.226175
RM3 0EB 30 0 51.595446 0.226893
RM3 0ED 37 0 51.593817 0.225655
RM3 0EH 35 0 51.594937 0.224915
RM3 0EJ 16 0 51.596332 0.227095
RM3 0EL 26 0 51.595812 0.227993