all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 0HA 35 0 51.568532 0.152226
RM7 0HD 18 0 51.568342 0.150803
RM7 0HH 39 0 51.568813 0.148661
RM7 0HJ 36 1 51.569138 0.148505
RM7 0HL 18 17 51.569869 0.166547
RM7 0HX 9 8 51.569659 0.165644
RM7 0JA 10 0 51.556848 0.176606
RM7 0JB 6 6 51.569269 0.164008
RM7 0JD 1 1 51.569832 0.165636
RM7 0JF 10 0 51.565988 0.185265
RM7 0JL 18 0 51.564897 0.171376
RM7 0JP 20 0 51.565131 0.173335
RM7 0JR 20 4 51.565247 0.175317
RM7 0JS 1 1 51.565256 0.175808
RM7 0JU 27 7 51.565631 0.175422
RM7 0LA 46 2 51.565502 0.173065
RM7 0LB 1 1 51.565151 0.170767
RM7 0LD 20 0 51.564357 0.166992
RM7 0LH 14 0 51.564158 0.165626
RM7 0LJ 31 0 51.565157 0.167535