all postcodes in RM7 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM7 0RR 38 0 51.564736 0.18284
RM7 0RS 16 0 51.564406 0.182219
RM7 0RT 44 0 51.563286 0.181011
RM7 0RU 50 0 51.562673 0.181082
RM7 0RX 26 0 51.562506 0.181854
RM7 0SA 34 0 51.562613 0.182407
RM7 0SB 34 0 51.561408 0.18043
RM7 0SD 30 0 51.561335 0.177585
RM7 0SH 40 0 51.561587 0.179544
RM7 0SJ 43 0 51.562134 0.177161
RM7 0SL 41 0 51.563471 0.180255
RM7 0SP 30 0 51.563384 0.17973
RM7 0SR 44 0 51.56364 0.178402
RM7 0SS 5 4 51.553405 0.177623
RM7 0TB 7 0 51.561273 0.175143
RM7 0TD 14 2 51.561947 0.175161
RM7 0TH 42 0 51.563185 0.175336
RM7 0TJ 34 12 51.564527 0.175674
RM7 0TL 36 1 51.563916 0.17615
RM7 0TP 10 1 51.562357 0.175815