all postcodes in RM / Romford

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District

RM / Romford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 1RA 19 7 51.577874 0.18061
RM1 1RB 27 10 51.576814 0.181483
RM1 1RD 1 1 51.578036 0.180447
RM1 1RH 1 1 51.577398 0.181021
RM1 1RS 2 2 51.57626 0.181632
RM1 1RX 45 17 51.575942 0.182466
RM1 1SS 3 2 51.575366 0.182958
RM1 1SX 17 2 51.574289 0.183311
RM1 1TB 5 3 51.574132 0.18293
RM1 1TE 13 8 51.574424 0.183288
RM1 1TH 37 0 51.573295 0.182585
RM1 1TJ 26 0 51.573056 0.182905
RM1 1TR 16 6 51.572955 0.183826
RM1 1UP 1 1 51.576873 0.181212
RM1 1XJ 47 0 51.580111 0.180099
RM1 1XP 1 1 51.578394 0.180664
RM1 1SY 3 51.573535 0.183565
RM1 1BJ 0 51.579211 0.179274
RM1 1EF 0 51.58235 0.175746
RM1 1EG 0 51.582182 0.175074