all postcodes in S20 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S20 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S20 1BB 26 5 53.347837 -1.345204
S20 1BD 28 1 53.347806 -1.344589
S20 1BE 20 0 53.350518 -1.345749
S20 1BG 15 0 53.350937 -1.345127
S20 1BH 70 0 53.351402 -1.339486
S20 1BJ 1 1 53.348931 -1.344842
S20 1BL 3 0 53.350197 -1.341112
S20 1BN 2 0 53.350559 -1.34312
S20 1BP 26 0 53.351494 -1.343226
S20 1BQ 58 0 53.347962 -1.341883
S20 1BR 49 0 53.347675 -1.341947
S20 1BS 34 0 53.350371 -1.34838
S20 1BT 8 0 53.348706 -1.346273
S20 1BU 11 0 53.347752 -1.336298
S20 1BW 13 0 53.348503 -1.337128
S20 1BX 48 0 53.346014 -1.338834
S20 1BY 58 0 53.346414 -1.338106
S20 1BZ 17 0 53.350518 -1.337532
S20 1DA 67 0 53.350652 -1.338972
S20 1DB 7 0 53.350699 -1.340924