all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 9FR 3 0 53.508933 -1.631131
S36 9FS 7 0 53.506112 -1.646459
S36 9LL 1 0 53.524676 -1.672912
S36 9LN 12 1 53.525101 -1.673799
S36 9LQ 2 0 53.519503 -1.681278
S36 9LS 3 0 53.524754 -1.671675
S36 9LY 5 0 53.521276 -1.665367
S36 9NA 25 0 53.524584 -1.668675
S36 9NB 21 0 53.524321 -1.667726
S36 9ND 10 0 53.52537 -1.686996
S36 9NE 24 0 53.526361 -1.664573
S36 9NF 8 2 53.520542 -1.682899
S36 9NG 8 0 53.518882 -1.674148
S36 9NH 3 1 53.530356 -1.692827
S36 9NJ 20 0 53.524022 -1.670233
S36 9NL 14 0 53.523804 -1.669525
S36 9NN 17 7 53.527017 -1.684797
S36 9NP 33 2 53.525578 -1.667445
S36 9NY 14 0 53.528641 -1.66994
S36 9NQ 19 1 53.52505 -1.671839