all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 9NR 24 1 53.525246 -1.667704
S36 9NS 11 0 53.521961 -1.676297
S36 9NT 7 0 53.531589 -1.697133
S36 9NU 14 1 53.524538 -1.671722
S36 9NW 53 0 53.526762 -1.669683
S36 9NX 76 0 53.526079 -1.66993
S36 9NZ 8 0 53.52554 -1.67001
S36 9PA 2 1 53.534298 -1.685
S36 9PZ 6 5 53.528518 -1.642819
S36 9PR 6 0 53.52781 -1.646792
S36 9PS 1 0 53.526655 -1.660513
S36 9PT 9 0 53.527545 -1.64797
S36 9QA 3 0 53.523417 -1.656617
S36 9QB 4 0 53.530066 -1.649608
S36 9QD 5 0 53.52976 -1.649445
S36 9QE 6 0 53.52796 -1.645658
S36 9QF 3 0 53.532211 -1.651356
S36 9QG 9 0 53.529147 -1.648892
S36 9RR 7 0 53.530787 -1.64998
S36 9QH 22 1 53.527466 -1.651651