all postcodes in S44 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S44 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S44 6NQ 1 53.233912 -1.293339
S44 6NR 0 53.237962 -1.291159
S44 6NS 0 53.235871 -1.293051
S44 6NT 1 53.235082 -1.292046
S44 6NU 0 53.237743 -1.293439
S44 6NW 0 53.23644 -1.295019
S44 6NX 0 53.24129 -1.291403
S44 6NY 0 53.237374 -1.291917
S44 6PA 0 53.245678 -1.294627
S44 6PB 1 53.248741 -1.297125
S44 6PD 1 53.229012 -1.293149
S44 6PE 0 53.232337 -1.29305
S44 6PF 0 53.232661 -1.291531
S44 6PH 5 53.229622 -1.291492
S44 6PL 1 53.229082 -1.291245
S44 6PN 29 53.229266 -1.292082
S44 6PP 7 53.229627 -1.293753
S44 6PR 1 53.231416 -1.296885
S44 6PS 1 53.228489 -1.297427
S44 6PT 0 53.227884 -1.296988