all postcodes in S44 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S44 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S44 6XE 3 0 53.236129 -1.253029
S44 6XF 6 1 53.235198 -1.273869
S44 6XG 1 0 53.234909 -1.275013
S44 6XH 62 1 53.230347 -1.280333
S44 6XJ 12 0 53.230737 -1.280956
S44 6XL 7 0 53.230826 -1.282274
S44 6XN 26 0 53.229889 -1.277481
S44 6XP 18 1 53.230768 -1.280117
S44 6XQ 31 0 53.229761 -1.281662
S44 6XR 10 0 53.23064 -1.278337
S44 6XS 9 0 53.230998 -1.279589
S44 6XT 34 0 53.229462 -1.27975
S44 6XU 8 0 53.229252 -1.280607
S44 6XW 6 0 53.235198 -1.29495
S44 6YZ 1 1 53.229012 -1.293149
S44 6XX 10 0 53.232134 -1.280033
S44 6AA 18 0 53.26073 -1.28645
S44 6DA 3 0 53.264308 -1.286061
S44 6RW 4 0 53.209039 -1.290123
S44 6JX 8 0 53.223441 -1.308804