all postcodes in S44 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S44 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S44 6QX 23 2 53.250723 -1.299475
S44 6QY 7 0 53.250626 -1.299852
S44 6QZ 43 1 53.249827 -1.299985
S44 6RA 26 0 53.250371 -1.297743
S44 6RB 33 0 53.251282 -1.298162
S44 6RD 13 1 53.252387 -1.301142
S44 6RE 17 0 53.251839 -1.301271
S44 6RF 5 0 53.254639 -1.308106
S44 6RG 48 0 53.255933 -1.301879
S44 6RH 5 0 53.227153 -1.297928
S44 6RJ 30 0 53.226593 -1.297517
S44 6RL 8 0 53.22593 -1.297828
S44 6RP 60 3 53.234763 -1.297309
S44 6RQ 39 0 53.255665 -1.302078
S44 6RR 40 0 53.235293 -1.295878
S44 6RS 16 0 53.234676 -1.297745
S44 6RT 35 0 53.233643 -1.299529
S44 6RU 46 0 53.23377 -1.298225
S44 6RX 32 0 53.235908 -1.299568
S44 6RY 62 0 53.235943 -1.297724