all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2QL 4 0 53.23062 -1.444023
S40 2QP 3 0 53.214372 -1.439141
S40 2QQ 8 0 53.23199 -1.440949
S40 2QR 13 13 53.232441 -1.441227
S40 2QT 37 1 53.233255 -1.451988
S40 2QU 8 0 53.23359 -1.452418
S40 2QW 7 0 53.218471 -1.429758
S40 2QY 45 0 53.23436 -1.451809
S40 2QZ 11 3 53.233563 -1.450756
S40 2RB 13 1 53.234042 -1.451139
S40 2RD 24 0 53.234491 -1.451074
S40 2RE 26 5 53.233593 -1.449422
S40 2RF 1 0 53.233844 -1.449284
S40 2RH 30 0 53.227858 -1.447459
S40 2RJ 10 0 53.230034 -1.430338
S40 2RL 43 1 53.229828 -1.430385
S40 2RN 12 0 53.228203 -1.430646
S40 2RP 25 0 53.228332 -1.431408
S40 2RR 22 0 53.227004 -1.431935
S40 2RS 52 0 53.225453 -1.432749